ClickHouse hosting on Bare Metal

Hosting ClickHouse, a column-oriented database management system designed for online analytical processing (OLAP), on bare metal servers offers several advantages, particularly in terms of performance, control, and cost-efficiency.

See the AWS vs. Bare-Metal comparison benchmark here.

Here’s a detailed look at these benefits:

1. Optimized Performance: Bare metal servers provide dedicated physical resources, without the overhead of virtualization, which is common in cloud or virtual environments. This direct access to hardware resources, such as CPU, memory, and storage, can significantly boost the performance of Clickhouse, especially for high-load operations and large datasets. The lack of a hypervisor layer reduces latency and increases processing speed, which is crucial for analytics workloads.

2. Customization and Control: With bare metal servers, you have full control over the server configuration. This means you can tailor the hardware specifications, such as CPU types, memory size, and storage options (e.g., SSDs for faster data access), to match the specific demands of your Clickhouse database. Additionally, you can optimize the server’s operating system and network settings to further enhance performance and security.

3. Cost Efficiency for Large Scale Deployments: While cloud services offer scalability and flexibility, they can become costly for large-scale, persistent workloads. Bare metal servers can be more cost-effective in the long run for such deployments, especially when considering the performance per dollar. You avoid the premium pricing of cloud compute instances and get more predictable costs, without sacrificing performance.

4. Reduced “Noisy Neighbor” Problems: In shared or virtualized hosting environments, your resources can be indirectly affected by other tenants’ usage patterns, leading to unpredictable performance (“noisy neighbors”). With bare metal, you eliminate this issue, as the physical server is dedicated entirely to your Clickhouse database, ensuring consistent performance.

5. Direct Hardware Access for Optimization: Certain features and operations of Clickhouse, like SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions or direct disk I/O operations, can benefit from direct hardware access. Bare metal servers allow Clickhouse to leverage these hardware-level optimizations more effectively than in virtualized environments.

6. Enhanced Security: By using bare metal servers, you mitigate the risks associated with shared environments, such as hypervisor vulnerabilities. This dedicated environment ensures that your data is isolated from other tenants, providing a higher level of security, which is particularly important for sensitive or critical data analysis tasks.

7. Stability and Reliability: Bare metal servers often provide greater stability and reliability for OLAP databases like Clickhouse. This stems from having dedicated resources and the ability to customize and directly monitor the physical hardware, reducing the risk of unexpected downtimes caused by over-provisioning or resource contention in shared environments.

While these advantages are compelling, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of your Clickhouse deployment, including scalability needs, operational flexibility, and budget constraints, to determine if hosting on bare metal servers is the most suitable option. provides the lowest cost and highest performing servers allowing you to provide the best possible solutions for low latency, high volume data analytics and real-time analysis.

Contact us for more information.