Unlocking Performance: When to Choose Bare Metal Servers for Your Business

May 22nd, 2024

In the complex landscape of IT infrastructure, choosing the right server environment can significantly impact the performance, security, and cost-effectiveness of your operations. While cloud environments offer flexibility and scalability, there are specific scenarios where bare metal servers, known for their dedicated resources and robust performance, are not just beneficial but necessary. This blog explores various data and company scenarios where bare metal servers are the optimal choice, providing real-world examples from businesses that have leveraged to achieve their objectives.


High-Performance Computing (HPC)

Scenario: Scientific Research and Complex Simulations

Example: A biotech company specializing in genetic research requires immense computational power to process complex simulations and data analyses. The high I/O throughput and powerful CPU capabilities of bare metal servers make them ideal for this purpose.

Outcome: By using’s bare metal servers, the company managed to reduce the time for genome sequencing computations from weeks to days, significantly accelerating their research timeline.


Gaming Industry

Scenario: MMO Gaming Platforms

Example: A gaming company launching a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game needs to ensure low latency and high performance to handle thousands of concurrent users without lag, which is crucial for user experience and retention.

Outcome: With, the gaming company deployed a globally distributed bare metal solution that provided the low latency and high packet-per-second processing required, leading to a smooth gaming experience and increased player satisfaction.


Financial Services

Scenario: Real-Time Trading Platforms

Example: A financial services provider dealing with high-frequency trading (HFT) relies on ultra-low latency for transaction processing. Any delay, even milliseconds, can lead to significant financial loss.

Outcome: Leveraging’s bare metal servers equipped with the latest CPUs and SSDs, the firm achieved sub-millisecond response times, maintaining competitiveness in the volatile trading market.


Big Data Analytics

Scenario: Real-Time Data Processing

Example: A marketing analytics firm needs to process and analyze large volumes of data in real time to provide timely insights to its clients. Virtualized environments cannot provide the necessary CPU and RAM resources without substantial overhead.

Outcome: The firm utilized’s customizable bare metal servers to handle large datasets and complex analytics with ease, resulting in faster insights and happier clients.


Media and Entertainment

Scenario: Video Streaming Services

Example: A streaming service experiences variable high traffic during new content releases and special events. They require a scalable solution that can handle sudden spikes in demand.

Outcome: By adopting’s bare metal servers, the streaming company managed to provide high-quality, uninterrupted streaming services during peak times, ensuring customer satisfaction and reduced churn.


AI and Machine Learning

Scenario: AI Model Training and Inference

Example: An AI startup needs to train complex models requiring extensive GPU resources. Sharing these resources in a cloud environment could lead to inconsistent training times and results.

Outcome: Using’s GPU-dense bare metal servers, the startup was able to train models predictably and at lower costs compared to cloud GPUs, speeding up their time to market for new AI features.



Bare metal servers from offer a compelling solution across various industries and scenarios where performance, control, and security are paramount. By providing dedicated resources, customizable environments, and robust support, enables businesses to optimize their IT infrastructure effectively. Whether it’s handling massive multiplayer online games or conducting high-frequency trading, bare metal servers can meet the rigorous demands of modern digital operations, ensuring that your business not only keeps up but stays ahead.

Choose for your server needs and experience the difference in power, performance, and reliability that bare metal provides. Contact us today to find out how we can help elevate your business operations to the next level.