Scaling ClickHouse on Bare Metal: Challenges and Solutions

May 31st, 2024

As businesses increasingly rely on large-scale data analytics to drive decision-making, the demand for high-performance database systems like ClickHouse has skyrocketed. ClickHouse is renowned for its ability to rapidly process and analyze vast volumes of data. However, scaling such a powerful system to meet growing data demands presents unique challenges, especially in terms of infrastructure. In this blog, we explore the scalability challenges associated with ClickHouse and how bare metal solutions from provide an effective framework to address these issues.

Understanding Scalability Challenges with ClickHouse

ClickHouse is designed to be scalable and can handle petabytes of data across multiple nodes. Despite its robust architecture, several challenges can arise when scaling:

1. Resource Saturation

As data volume grows, the load on a single server can exceed its processing capabilities. This leads to resource saturation, where CPU, memory, and disk I/O become bottlenecks, degrading the performance of the database.

2. Complexity in Cluster Management

Scaling ClickHouse often involves setting up a cluster configuration that distributes the load across several nodes. Managing this cluster—balancing data, synchronizing replication, and optimizing queries across nodes—adds complexity and overhead.

3. Data Consistency and Integrity

Ensuring data consistency across multiple nodes becomes increasingly challenging as the system scales. This is crucial for businesses that depend on real-time analytics for operational decision-making.

4. Network Latency

In distributed environments, especially when nodes are geographically dispersed, network latency can significantly impact query performance. This is particularly noticeable in real-time analytics applications.

How Bare Metal Solutions Address These Challenges

Bare metal servers, like those offered by, provide dedicated resources that are essential for efficiently scaling ClickHouse. Here’s how bare metal can help overcome the above challenges:

1. High Performance and Customization

Bare metal servers provide exclusive access to hardware resources, eliminating the “noisy neighbor” effect seen in virtualized environments. This ensures that ClickHouse can perform at its peak efficiency without contention for resources. Additionally, allows for extensive customization of hardware configurations to match specific workload requirements, whether it’s enhancing CPU capabilities, increasing memory, or expanding storage.

2. Simplified Cluster Management

With bare metal, setting up and managing a ClickHouse cluster becomes more straightforward.’s infrastructure can be pre-configured for optimal data distribution and replication, reducing the administrative overhead associated with cluster management. Tools and integrations for monitoring and management further streamline operations.

3. Enhanced Data Security and Compliance

Dedicated servers provide a more secure environment, which is critical when scaling sensitive data operations. offers enhanced security features, including physical security, isolated networks, and compliance with industry standards, ensuring data integrity and protection.

4. Optimized Network Solutions can configure network settings specifically optimized for ClickHouse, minimizing latency and maximizing throughput. This is crucial for maintaining high performance across distributed nodes and for applications requiring real-time data processing.


Scaling ClickHouse on bare metal servers provides a robust solution for businesses looking to expand their data analytics capabilities. The dedicated resources, enhanced security, and customizable configurations of’s bare metal servers offer a superior environment for managing large-scale data operations. As data demands continue to grow, partnering with ensures that your infrastructure is not only ready to scale but is also optimized for peak performance, security, and cost-efficiency.

Visit today to discover how our bare metal solutions can help you effectively scale your ClickHouse deployment and unlock the full potential of your data analytics infrastructure.