How Can Help You Save Millions by Avoiding the Cloud

September 19th, 2024

In recent years, many companies have rushed to the cloud, attracted by its promise of scalability, flexibility, and ease of use. However, as Ahrefs’ experience shows, the cloud isn’t always the most cost-effective or efficient solution. Ahrefs, a leading SEO tool provider, made headlines by saving over $400 million in three years by opting out of the cloud and choosing a bare-metal approach instead. But how did they do it, and how can help your company achieve similar results? Let’s dive into the benefits of bare-metal infrastructure and why it might be the right choice for your business.

The Hidden Costs of the Cloud

Ahrefs discovered that while cloud providers like AWS offer convenience, this comes at a premium. The real cost of cloud services often includes more than just compute and storage; it extends to data transfer fees, unpredictable billing, and the need to overprovision resources to ensure performance. Ahrefs realized that the pay-as-you-go model can quickly become pay-through-the-nose, especially for companies with substantial data processing needs.

How Helps: offers dedicated servers that eliminate these hidden costs. By opting for a direct, on-premises approach, you can gain full control over your infrastructure without the excessive and unpredictable expenses associated with the cloud. provides transparency in pricing, ensuring you know exactly what you’re paying for without surprise charges.

Performance and Customization Without Limits

One of the most significant advantages Ahrefs found with bare-metal servers was performance. Cloud servers, while flexible, can be limited by noisy neighbors and shared resources, leading to inconsistent performance. Ahrefs needed high IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) to handle its large-scale data analysis and web crawling, something the cloud couldn’t efficiently provide without expensive, high-end options.

How Helps: delivers dedicated servers that provide 100% of the machine’s resources to your workload. This means you get the best possible performance without sharing with other tenants. You can customize the hardware to meet your exact needs, from CPU and memory configurations to specialized GPUs and storage, ensuring your infrastructure is optimized for your applications.’s flexibility allows you to scale vertically and horizontally without compromise.

Security and Compliance Control

For Ahrefs, data security and privacy were crucial. Hosting data on a cloud provider means relying on third-party security controls and shared responsibility models, which can complicate compliance with stringent regulations. Bare-metal environments, on the other hand, offer physical and logical security controls directly managed by the company.

How Helps: With, you maintain complete control over your data and environment, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations. Your data stays on your dedicated servers, providing a higher level of security and privacy.’s infrastructure is designed with security in mind, offering advanced protection mechanisms such as hardware encryption, dedicated firewalls, and isolated network setups.

Predictable and Scalable Infrastructure

Ahrefs highlighted the challenge of scaling in the cloud. While cloud services are marketed as infinitely scalable, scaling often means buying more expensive instances or services. In contrast, Ahrefs found that managing their own infrastructure allowed them to scale predictably and affordably.

How Helps: offers predictable scaling options that align with your business needs. You can add more servers, upgrade components, or reconfigure your setup without the premium costs associated with cloud providers. Whether you’re scaling up to handle increased workloads or scaling out for redundancy,’s flexible options allow you to grow your infrastructure efficiently.

Simplified Management with High ROI

Managing bare-metal servers might sound daunting, but Ahrefs demonstrated that, with the right approach, it can be simpler and more cost-effective than dealing with complex cloud configurations and billing models.

How Helps: provides managed services to take the complexity out of bare-metal management. With 24/7 support, proactive monitoring, and automated management tools, you can focus on your core business while we handle the infrastructure. This managed approach ensures high availability, quick response times, and minimal downtime, maximizing your return on investment.

Conclusion: Make the Bare-Metal Switch with

Ahrefs’ journey showcases that the cloud isn’t the only option for high-performance, scalable, and cost-effective infrastructure. By opting for a bare-metal approach, Ahrefs achieved remarkable cost savings, performance improvements, and enhanced security. is here to help you make that switch with tailored bare-metal solutions designed to meet your specific needs. Don’t get caught in the cloud hype—explore the benefits of bare-metal and see how you can optimize your infrastructure, cut costs, and gain full control with

Ready to explore the possibilities? us today and discover how we can help you achieve your infrastructure goals while keeping your budget in check.

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