Minio Hosting – S3 Compatible Object Store

MiniIO is an open-source, high-performance object storage service that is fully compatible with Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) APIs. MinIO excels in storing unstructured data such as photos, videos, log files, backups, and container images, making it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications, including machine learning, analytics, and application data storage. offers cost-effective, high-performance decentralized Minio hosting allowing you to build out storage clusters at a significantly lower cost compared to major cloud services. With no API costs and zero egress fees, we can assist you in designing a resilient architecture that supports unlimited scaling without the excessive charges often levied by cloud providers. Gain complete control over your storage, ensuring full command and predictability in your monthly expenses.

Storage Server starting at $1500/mo

  • Dell PowerEdge
  • 24 Intel Cores
  • 256GB Ram
  • 4×15.36TB NVMe PCIe SSD – 60TB of JBOD
  • 20 NVMe expansion slots avail
  • 1Gbps Unlimited Internet Connection – NO EGRESS or API FEES!
  • Minio S3 Compatible Storage (free version, Minio Enterprise recommended for any production uses)

Add storage to this server as you grow. 20 slots available of various types of storage. Add more servers in the same data center or create a fully replicated cluster across data centers.

Implementation of MinIO

MinIO supports both replication modes through its bucket replication feature, allowing users to configure their preferred method based on their specific requirements for data availability, consistency, and performance. The choice between synchronous and asynchronous replication depends on the criticality of the data, the required level of consistency, and the performance impact that can be tolerated.

Synchronous or Asynchronous Replication

MinIO, an open-source object storage server with a focus on high performance and compatibility with the Amazon S3 cloud storage service, supports both synchronous and asynchronous replication to enhance data durability, availability, and disaster recovery. These replication strategies are critical for ensuring that data is consistently backed up in different locations, which can be crucial for preventing data loss in case of hardware failures or other types of outages.

Here’s an overview of both:

Synchronous Replication

Synchronous replication involves mirroring data to another location (or system) in real-time. With MinIO, this means that when an object is stored in a bucket, it is simultaneously replicated to another bucket, potentially in a different geographical location. The operation is considered successful only when the data is written to both the primary and the replicated site.

– Advantages:
– Data Consistency: Ensures strong consistency, meaning that the replicated data is immediately up-to-date with the source.
– Disaster Recovery: Improves disaster recovery capabilities since the data is available in another location without any lag.

– Disadvantages:
– Performance Impact: Can impact write performance, as it requires the data to be written to multiple locations before acknowledging success to the client.
– Complexity and Cost: Typically requires more sophisticated infrastructure and higher bandwidth, leading to increased costs.

Asynchronous Replication

Asynchronous replication allows data to be replicated to another location after it has been written to the primary location. This means there might be a slight delay between when data is written to the primary site and when it is replicated.

Performance: Less impact on write performance compared to synchronous replication, as the acknowledgment is sent as soon as the data is written to the primary location.
– Flexibility: More flexibility in handling network latencies and bandwidth limitations since the replication can happen independently of the initial write operation.

– Disadvantages:
– Data Consistency: There is a potential for data inconsistency during the replication lag, meaning the replicated data might not be immediately up-to-date.
– Disaster Recovery Risk: In case of a disaster affecting the primary site before the data is replicated, there is a risk of data loss.

Lifecycle Management

One of the really cool things with Minio is their lifecycle management. Here is a video on it. This allows you to set a timeframe on when a file should be moved to a different cluster. This cluster can be using much larger, slower disks in order to provide a “warm” storage/archive area. The best part is this file is still available on the main “hot” cluster but it’s actually just a pointer to the “warm” cluster. This allows clients to use the same Minio cluster without worrying about where the file lives. Read more about Minio Lifecycle Management here. provides the lowest cost and highest performing servers allowing you to provide the best possible solutions for low latency, high volume data analytics and real-time analysis.

Contact us for more information.