Supercharge Your ClickHouse Performance with’s High-Performance Servers

August 31st, 2024


ClickHouse, a lightning-fast open-source OLAP database, is revolutionizing data analytics with its high-performance capabilities. Designed for massive data sets and complex queries, ClickHouse delivers real-time analytics that are essential for businesses operating at internet scale. However, as organizations scale their ClickHouse deployments, managing performance, cost, and security becomes increasingly challenging. This is where hosting ClickHouse on bare-metal servers, such as those offered by, can provide significant advantages. offers high-performance, cost-effective, and secure server solutions tailored for large-scale ClickHouse deployments.

The ClickHouse Advantage

ClickHouse is engineered for high-speed analytics over petabyte-scale data sets with high ingestion rates. It leverages advanced data storage and query processing techniques, including columnar storage, vectorized execution, and aggressive data pruning, making it one of the fastest analytical databases available. Key benefits of ClickHouse include:

  1. Unmatched Performance: ClickHouse handles trillions of rows and hundreds of columns with sub-second query performance, thanks to its efficient storage architecture and SQL dialect optimized for speed.
  2. Scalability and Flexibility: ClickHouse’s support for sharding and replication allows it to scale horizontally across multiple nodes, making it ideal for handling large volumes of data.
  3. Real-Time Insights: The ability to ingest new data rapidly while deprioritizing historical data ensures that businesses can derive actionable insights in real-time without sacrificing performance.

Why Bare Metal is the Best Choice for ClickHouse

While cloud solutions offer convenience, they often come with hidden costs, latency issues, and limited control over hardware resources. Bare-metal servers, particularly those from, provide a superior alternative by offering dedicated hardware with no virtualization overhead, resulting in maximum performance and cost-efficiency.

1. Performance Optimization: Hosting ClickHouse on bare-metal servers ensures that your database can utilize the full power of the hardware.’s servers are built with the latest CPUs, large amounts of RAM, and high-speed NVMe storage, which align perfectly with ClickHouse’s need for high I/O throughput and low latency. This hardware synergy enhances ClickHouse’s capabilities, allowing for faster query execution and more efficient data handling.

2. Cost Savings: Cloud services often come with unpredictable costs due to data egress charges, storage fees, and additional costs for premium hardware. In contrast, offers transparent pricing models with no hidden fees, allowing businesses to manage their ClickHouse deployments at a fraction of the cost compared to traditional cloud providers. This cost predictability is crucial for scaling large ClickHouse clusters without the financial surprises often encountered in cloud environments.

3. Enhanced Security: Data security is paramount, especially when dealing with sensitive analytical workloads.’s dedicated servers provide enhanced security by eliminating the risks associated with multi-tenant environments. With full control over your hardware, you can implement tailored security measures, including hardware-level encryption, access controls, and compliance-specific configurations, to protect your data.

4. High Availability and Reliability:’s infrastructure supports high availability through robust replication and failover capabilities, ensuring that your ClickHouse instance remains operational even during hardware failures. This reliability is critical for maintaining uninterrupted access to data, especially in production environments where downtime can lead to significant losses.

5. Tailored for Large-Scale ClickHouse Deployments: offers customizable server configurations designed to meet the specific demands of ClickHouse. Whether you need servers optimized for high concurrency, large data volumes, or intensive processing workloads, provides the flexibility to configure your hardware exactly as needed.


Hosting ClickHouse on servers is a strategic decision for organizations looking to maximize performance, reduce costs, and enhance security. By leveraging the dedicated resources and superior performance of bare-metal infrastructure, businesses can fully unlock the potential of ClickHouse for their data analytics needs. stands out as a partner that not only delivers cutting-edge hardware but also understands the intricacies of hosting data-intensive applications like ClickHouse, ensuring that your analytics environment runs at peak efficiency.

For companies serious about scaling their data analytics capabilities, moving to bare metal is not just an option—it’s the next evolution in high-performance, cost-effective data management.

Contact us for more information.